Post by John Farrell on Feb 10, 2023 5:40:51 GMT
Post by steveandthedogs on Feb 10, 2023 7:49:42 GMT
Because they shaded his house until 11:30?
Throw the book at the shitbag.
Post by peterba on Feb 10, 2023 7:59:47 GMT
Doesn't exactly allow you to feel proud of the 'auld sod', does it John?
Still, at least the population there doesn't contain a large proportion (around 52%, say?) of such idiots.
Post by gray1720 on Feb 10, 2023 8:26:14 GMT
Nothing like entitled twuntistry to make you feel proud to be British, eh?
Post by andytake2 on Feb 10, 2023 8:56:28 GMT
Let's get this straight.
The trees have been there 20 years. He moved there 9 years ago. ...presumably he could see the trees when he bought the house. ...presumably he has a slight idea that trees of this nature grow like a weed. He must have seen Leylandii over here.
...presumably then he is a tit of the first order, and needs a kick in the plums for his trouble.
Post by Fenris on Feb 10, 2023 10:16:09 GMT
Reminds me of when I lived in Brighton... there was a fantastic little pub near the border of Brighton and Hove. Good food, excellent beer and live music in the cellar bar. It had been a music venue for years and people came from all over to see the bands.
Then someone new bought the house next door. Had a huge amount of building work done (that disrupted the pub) and when that had finished they put in a complaint to the council about the noise from the pub.
The pub lost it's music license, which meant it lost a lot of trade and within six months the pub had closed.
Post by geoffr on Feb 10, 2023 11:16:00 GMT
Reminds me of when I lived in Brighton... there was a fantastic little pub near the border of Brighton and Hove. Good food, excellent beer and live music in the cellar bar. It had been a music venue for years and people came from all over to see the bands. Then someone new bought the house next door. Had a huge amount of building work done (that disrupted the pub) and when that had finished they put in a complaint to the council about the noise from the pub. The pub lost it's music license, which meant it lost a lot of trade and within six months the pub had closed. There have been cases of people moving into villages where the church is many hundreds of years old. These new residents then complain about the noise of the church bells. It would appear that people don't do their research before buying property. If you view a house close to an ancient church surely you would check whether there were bells, you might also consider whether there was a chiming clock. If you didn't bother to find these things before purchasing your house you really have no reason for complaining later.
The people that really annoy me are the ones who buy a house near an airport and then complain about aircraft noise. The airport has been there a lot longer than you have and it is very hard to miss. Did you really expect that it would go away? As it happens aircraft are much less noisy than they were 50 years ago but it is still impossible to stand in the garden of a house near an airport and not notice the noise. That is why I live less than a mile from a small GA airfield, it keeps commercial traffic high when it passes over.
Post by squeamishossifrage on Feb 10, 2023 11:24:00 GMT
Reminds me of when I lived in Brighton... there was a fantastic little pub near the border of Brighton and Hove. Good food, excellent beer and live music in the cellar bar. It had been a music venue for years and people came from all over to see the bands. Then someone new bought the house next door. Had a huge amount of building work done (that disrupted the pub) and when that had finished they put in a complaint to the council about the noise from the pub. The pub lost it's music license, which meant it lost a lot of trade and within six months the pub had closed. This kind of thing really gets up my nose. I hope the pub became a doss-house for drug addicted squatters, and the value of their house plummeted. I'm a nice guy like that!
Post by kate on Feb 10, 2023 11:50:19 GMT
This was one small corner of my 5 acre garden at one time. The buyer cleared every tree (there must have been at least 20 different types) which we had planted and grown over 30 years. Shrubs went too and my ponds. I'll never forgive him. old manse front garden by Kate Ferris, on Flickr
Post by MJB on Feb 10, 2023 12:07:48 GMT
We had one of these people move in next to a farm I worked on. Pretty soon they were complaining about noise at weekends, so my boss got them to agree in writing that they would be satisfied if we built a berm next to their property to block the noise. Sadly they never specified which materials were used to construct said berm. They ended up with the biggest muck heap in Christendom next to their garden.
Post by dorsetmike on Feb 10, 2023 12:13:17 GMT
I had a similar experience to Kate, I had about 50 rose plants in the garden, the Chinese lot that bought it ripped out all bar about 4 or 5
Link to Google street view
Post by kate on Feb 10, 2023 12:16:29 GMT
I had a similar experience to Kate, I had about 50 rose plants in the garden, the Chinese lot that bought it ripped out all bar about 4 or 5
Link to Google street view www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.7305148,-1.9280716,3a,34.6y,328.48h,98.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sq021gr__xW7xhgZjEdZhSg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dq021gr__xW7xhgZjEdZhSg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D89.4568%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?ucbcb=1 I truly don't understand people like that. No soul, no appreciation of beauty, no love of wildlife. No wonder the country is in a mess.
Post by nickr on Feb 10, 2023 12:30:17 GMT
When we moved in to our current house, our next door neighbour was a keen gardener - he kept his garden immaculate. When they moved, the next neigbours didn't last long - she was lovely, he wasn't in any way, and was soon caught having an affair which meant they didn't stay around for long. Current neighbours - well I could write a book about them, but for the purposes of this post, suffice it to say they have about 300 children (who in all fairness are pretty well behaved) and three dogs (again, no problem with them), so they've basically whipped out all of the planting and cut down all the trees, including the ones with preservation orders. And now they have a marvellous view of HS2 construction on the skyline, serves them right.
Drew - our ex-ex-neighbour - is horrified.
Post by willien on Feb 10, 2023 12:48:25 GMT
A few decades ago a woman bought a flat in Ramsay Gardens at the foot of Edinburgh Castle's Esplanade and tried to have the Edinburgh Military Tatoo stopped.
Post by gray1720 on Feb 10, 2023 12:58:35 GMT
We had one of these people move in next to a farm I worked on. Pretty soon they were complaining about noise at weekends, so my boss got them to agree in writing that they would be satisfied if we built a berm next to their property to block the noise. Sadly they never specified which materials were used to construct said berm. They ended up with the biggest muck heap in Christendom next to their garden. Hook, line and sinker! (My usual reaction on smelling agriculture is to take a deep breath and say "Arrrr, smells grand!")